Category Archives: Sara
Lockdown Auricular Acupuncture Treatment.
During the lockdown I found myself working my acupuncture skills on my nephew. He is in my bubble so it was safe to do so. Before I tell you about the treatment itself let me give you some background information. One month ago, he suffered a very bad fall whilst cycling. He broke his scaphoid […]
Children, Exercise and Injuries Part 2
Recap: In part 1 the human body growth in adolescence was explained and the benefits of exercise for children. In this concluding part we are going to look at typical injuries that can occur, how they happen and what can be done to help and manage. Growing Pains: Children between the ages of 3 to […]
Children, Exercise and Injuries Part 1
Kids love exercise and parents love seeing their child achieve a goal. Some kids are enduring 3 different types of sports a day, whilst others just enjoy school sports or the occasional activity. I wish I could say that seeing children for treatment is because they want to improve their flexibility and maintenance for […]
Cupping Therapy Video
Here is a quick 10 min video that shows cupping therapy being demonstrated through a treatment. You will also be able to understand what the benefits of cupping are. Hope you enjoy the video, Sara.
Injuries, Fatigue and The Mind
This blog is dedicated to anyone that is going through an injury at present, suffering from chronic fatigue or illness. I am going to discuss the mental aspect of what happens when you are suddenly hit with either of these and how you can help yourself move on. Working with these kind of patients I […]
Amenorrhea: How to get your period back!
There are two different types of amenorrhea: Primary and Secondary. Primary is when a female has not received her period as of the age of 16. Secondary is when a period has stopped for 3 months or more. What causes it? Primary Amenorrhea: • Stress • Over exercising • Eating disorders • Extreme obesity […]
Jet Lag and Can Acupuncture Work?
Holiday are great but for some people when you enter a different time zone it can cause a lot of problems with your sleep cycle. Otherwise known as Jet Lag. There are many different symptoms someone may suffer: extreme tiredness, lack of concentration, unable to get asleep, wake up in the middle of the night […]